Sunday, November 2, 2008

…and the Chiefs are still a comedy

At least today it was a slightly better comedy. I liken it to Wedding Crashers. It started out really good, but by the second half it was just the same stale formula I’d seen all year long.


I call that formula the Disguised Chick Flick. You know the movie, it’s advertised like a hilarious romp, but the entire second half of the movie is one drawn-out plot line about if the boy’s will get the girl back. Ben Stiller is particularly adept at making those movies.

The sad part is that the Chiefs are always the preppy asshole with a yellow sweater draped over his shoulders. The plot wants you to think they’ll get the girl, but you know in the end they’re likely to have a face full of manure.

And that is depressing. I need cheered up.


Ah, the girls of Wedding Crashers. That movie does have some redeeming value.

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