Saturday, November 8, 2008

What if it’s true?

For the past several months, John McCain, Sarah Palin, the Republican Party, and Fox News have been trying to convince us that Barack Hussein Obama is a dangerous Muslim with terrorist ties.


Have we become so numb to mudslinging and negative advertising that, should the GOP be telling the truth, we’ve missed it entirely and elected a terrorist?


What damage could Obama do in his administration? Surely it would take a great amount of skill for a terrorist to let the United States get attacked without taking blame. It is feasible that such a terrorist would be able to see surprise attack on US soil within his first year in office. It would not cripple our country by any means, but it could help push an already struggling economy further into downturn/recession while costing thousands of lives. Also, it could serve to shift the mood of the country further to the right, allowing for the restriction of those personal freedoms that Americans hold so dearly.

This could lead to launching two wars that end up strengthening the terrorist cause while not actually apprehending the greatest threat to the United States, Osama bin Laden. That would be the master stroke of a terrorist, being able to attack this country’s enemies while actually strengthening their numbers by helping them to recruit against us, all the while keeping our military stretched out too much to take seriously the threat of a nuclear Iran.

That would be a heck of a job against America. Getting all that done in just his first four years would be a tall order, but it must be done because surely someone who does that couldn’t be reelected…

I’m not actually saying that George W. Bush is a terrorist. What I am saying is that it might be difficult for a terrorist to have as much success as Bush. Or maybe I’m just sick and tired of fear-mongering and I’m overreacting.

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